
National Training Center for Coaches ONLINE


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Centro Nacional de Formación de Entrenadores ONLINE


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Course Cancellation, Returns and Refunds, and Buyer Safety / Protection.

These general contracting conditions apply to all commercial transactions carried out on this website.

Read these General Conditions carefully before enrolling in a Course or any other service.

By registering, you agree to comply with these General Conditions, so please print them if you need to read them carefully.

All the characteristics and aspects of this document respect and are guided by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.


Cenafe Escuelas, with CIF B-87614822 and address at calle de Plaza de España nº 6. Getafe 28903, Madrid (Spain). Registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry Volume 35012, Folio 44, Section 8, Page M629702, 1st Inscription.

Telephone: 91 248 66 17 - 674 45 53 64

Email: support@cenafeonline.com

Cenafe Escuelas offers specialized online and face-to-face training in matters related to sports, more specifically football. In this case, the Cenafe Escuelas online platform called Cenafe Online will offer the following courses:

We recommend that you first check the minimum requirements for connection to online sessions according to the device to be used in them, which you can consult in the course program.

These General Conditions, together with any other conditions and clauses that may be specific to each of the courses and services, govern the use of the Cenafe Online platform or any mobile device, service or applications (hereinafter, "Applications").

Our Services include www.cenafeonline.com and any other web, site or device in which these conditions of use are located.

By completing the registration you acquire the status of Student (hereinafter the student) of Cenafe Escuelas S.L. is subject to the following conditions:


With the completion of the inscription in the Course, the student declares to be aware of the training activity developed by Cenafe Escuelas S.L. as well as being interested in the completion of the course in which you are enrolling or enrolling, whose content, characteristics, schedule, price, payment method and requirements are sufficiently known by the program to which you have had access.

Cenafe Escuelas commits a place in the course in favor of the student at the moment in which he completes the registration and makes the payment in the manner described in "Payment methods".

Once the payment has been made, you will receive a confirmation email informing you that you have been enrolled in the chosen course.

To obtain the diplomas of the courses, it is necessary to pass a test or exam of the blocks, topics or subtopics integrated in said course.


The student agrees to develop the course profitably and to respect the academic standards of Cenafe Escuelas.

In the case of online training, the student declares to have sufficient computer knowledge to allow him to follow the methodology of the course and to be able to develop it with full guarantees of acquiring the necessary knowledge to obtain the corresponding diploma or degree.

The student may not use the documentation, technical notes, practical cases, activities, etc., that Cenafe Escuelas can provide, except for written authorization, for purposes other than those of their own training.

The student is not authorized to distribute, transmit, copy, display, perform, reproduce, grant licenses, use the material as a basis for other works, transfer or sell in any way any type of information, documents, documentation, images, programming code , logos, brands, products or services obtained from Cenafe Escuelas.

Cenafe Escuelas by itself or as an assignee, is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as of the elements contained therein (by way of example, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), owned by Cenafe Escuelas or its licensors.

All rights reserved. By virtue of the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of Cenafe Escuelas.

The USER undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by Cenafe Escuelas. You can view the elements of the portal and even print, copy and store them on your computer's hard drive or on any other physical medium as long as it is solely and exclusively for your personal and private use. The USER must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed on the Cenafe Escuelas pages.

For the correct and complete operation of the program, the student declares to possess or have access to a computer equipment suitable for the program's specifications, either his own or someone else's, and an Internet connection to be able to follow the on-line program in which he is enrolling as a complement to their learning if required, as well as maintaining it for the duration of the program.

Access to Cenafe Online will be done by means of a username and a personal access code or password. This password is personal and non-transferable. In case of loss or theft of the access code, the user must immediately notify Cenafe Escuelas, otherwise you will be responsible for the modifications and uses applicable to your account until that moment.

In the spaces where social interaction takes place, where the student can express their opinions as well as maintain interactive communication with other Users, the following rules of conduct must be respected:

It is totally forbidden to harass, violate, threaten or cause annoyance to any other student or member of Cenafe Escuelas. Under no circumstances may it be sent, through the services that Cenafe Online makes available to the student, any information, data, texts, files, links, programs, communications or any other illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, hostile, defamatory material. , obscene, racist or ethically incorrect, or constitutive of a situation of sexual harassment or harassment based on sex. Do not alter the participation of other users in the interactive spaces. Do not send or write any advertisement, promotional or advertising materials, on the bulletin boards or in interactive communications. Not infringe the applicable local, regional, national, community or international law, while the training is being carried out. The names or emails obtained through Cenafe Escuelas may not be used to disseminate promotional or advertising information without express authorization from the users.


Cenafe Escuelas undertakes to reserve the student place when the registration or registration is completed and the payment is made in the manner described in "Payment methods".

Cenafe Escuelas undertakes to provide the pedagogical content, teachers and online support necessary for the complete development of the Course in which you have enrolled.

Cenafe Escuelas undertakes to issue and deliver to the student, once the course has been successfully completed, after all the tests or exams have been passed and all the payments for it have been completed, a Diploma or document certifying the studies completed.

FOOTBALL COACH COURSE without academic validity and according to the (Eighth Additional Provision of RD 1363/2007 of October 24, BOE No. 268 of November 8, 2007) it is reported that this on-line course would not be, object of automatic homologation / validation by the Ministry of Education of the corresponding Autonomous Community or the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

The online courses offered by Cenafe Escuelas do not grant access to the issuance of licenses in football federations.


The student may be expelled by the Directorate of the Course when he shows serious or repeated lack of discipline, disinterest in learning, failure to comply with the minimum attendance to the course or does not pass the evaluation tests that have been determined in each case.

The falsehood, in whole or in part, of the data provided in the student's selection and admission process will also be grounds for expulsion.

The expulsion implies the loss of their rights over the course, of obtaining the title or diploma accrediting the completion of the respective course, as well as the non-refund of the registration fee. This same condition will be given in the case of resignation on your part once the course has started.

Cenafe Escuelas reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and / or the services offered without prior notice, at its own request or by a third party, to those users who do not comply with these General Conditions of Use.


The course registration payment may be made in a single payment or by installment payment.

The available means of payment are:

Bank transfer to our checking account at Banco BBVA. The data to carry it out are: IBAN ES52 0182 XXXX XXXX XXXX 5027. The application, during the registration process, will require you to attach proof of having made the transfer in your Personal Area. Credit or debit card. Through POS. The registration process in this case is automatic.

Through PayPal. The registration process will end when the payment is located in the PayPal account of Cenafe Escuelas


In the event that the Course is not taught, Cenafe Escuelas will proceed to refund the tuition paid by the Student.

Likewise, the enrollment will be returned if the student desists from taking the course, in accordance with Article 102 Right of withdrawal.

The withdrawal will not apply, according to Article 103 Exceptions to the right of withdrawal of RDL 1/2007, in contracts when they refer to the supply of digital content that is not provided in a material medium when the execution has begun with the prior express consent of the consumer and user with the knowledge on their part that they consequently lose their right of withdrawal.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the student must notify his decision to withdraw from the course through an unequivocal statement (burofax with text certification sent to our offices)

The refund of the registration fee will be made by transfer to the current account indicated by the student.

To meet the withdrawal period, you must take into account the aforementioned.

Withdrawal form model:

For the attention of Plataforma Cenafe Escuelas S.L.

Fax 912 486 617

“I hereby communicate that I am withdrawing from the course (identify) in which I made my registration dated _____________.

Name, DNI, Name of the Course and Registration Period.

Make the return in the following Account: ____________.


Cenafe Escuelas protects the data it collects from students using passwords. Although Cenafe Escuelas has reasonably tried to establish a secure environment for recruitment, we cannot guarantee the complete security of the information since, as a student, you know and expressly accept, the usual security measures are not unbreakable.

For this reason, we recommend that you take the necessary measures to protect your personal data when you are browsing the internet. We also recommend that you change your passwords regularly, using combinations of letters and numbers.

Cenafe Escuelas complies with the guidelines of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the Organic Law and others regulations in force at all times, and ensures the correct use and treatment of the user's personal data. To do this, together with each personal data collection form, in the services that the user may request from Cenafe Escuelas, it will inform the user of the existence and acceptance of the particular conditions for the processing of their data in each case, informing them of the responsibility of the created file, the address of the person in charge, the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, the purpose of the treatment and the communication of data to third parties, if applicable. Likewise, Cenafe Escuelas informs that it complies with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and will request your consent to the processing of your email for commercial purposes at all times.


Cenafe Escuelas is exempt from any responsibility in the event that the student cannot access the website www.cenafeonline.com for reasons beyond the control of the platform.

Cenafe Escuelas is not responsible for the opinions, content and other materials that students may pour into the interactive services that Cenafe Online makes available to students; without prejudice to the application of the measures provided for in section 4 of these Conditions called Causes of Expulsion.

Cenafe Escuelas is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any kind that may cause, by way of example: errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents, despite having adopted all the necessary technological measures to avoid it.

In the event that www.cenafe.es contains links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, Cenafe Escuelas will not exercise any type of control over said sites and content. In no case Cenafe Escuelas will not assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to a third party website, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of such hyperlinks or other Internet sites. Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections will not imply any type of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.

FOOTBALL COACH COURSE without academic validity and according to the (Eighth Additional Provision of RD 1363/2007 of October 24, BOE No. 268 of November 8, 2007) it is reported that this on-line course would not be, object of automatic homologation / validation by the Ministry of Education of the corresponding Autonomous Community or the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

The online courses offered by Cenafe Escuelas do not grant access to the issuance of licenses in football federations.


With the acceptance of these terms of the contract, the student recognizes as true and true that Cenafe Escuelas SLU through its online platform prior to registering on the web www.cenafeonline.com has informed me exhaustively that said Course It corresponds to the NON-OFFICIAL sports training and only has a recognition of non-regulated education, not qualifying for the exercise of the activity of soccer coach in the competitions that are established by regulation in the federations of different countries.

By accepting these terms of the contract, the student acknowledges as true and true that Cenafe Escuelas SLU through its online platform prior to registering on the website www.cenafeonline.com has exhaustively informed me that the Diploma obtained by passing these online courses, is alien to the sports education recognized by the corresponding provisions in Royal Decrees 1913/1997, 320/2000 and 1363/2007, I also acknowledge having been informed that obtaining said diplomas They cannot, in any case, be the object of homologation / validation by the Departments of Education of the corresponding Autonomous Community, nor by the Ministry of Education of any country, nor by the Federations of any country.


Both parties are obliged for any question claimed with the interpretation or execution of the contract to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Getafe (Madrid), waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.


In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the following information is offered:

Responsible for the web: Cenafe Escuelas S.L.

Contact Address: Calle de Plaza de España nº 6. Getafe 28903, Madrid (Spain)

Contact email: support@cenafeonline.com

Telephone: 91 248 66 17 - 674 45 53 64

Fax: 912 486 617

Tax Data: Cenafe Escuelas S.L.

CIF: B-87614822

Registration Data: Madrid Mercantile Registry Volume 35012, Folio 44, Section 8, Page M629702, 1st Registration.